
William Worden Home Research Teaching CV

Research interests:

Low-dimensional topology and hyperbolic geometry; commensurability of knots and links; triangulations of hyperbolic manifolds; computational and experimental topology.


Publications & preprints:

D. Cooper, S. Tillmann, and W. Worden, The Thurston norm via spun normal surfaces. preprint via arXiv:

E. Chesebro, J Deblois, N. Hoffman, C. Millichap, P. Mondal, and W. Worden, Dehn surgery and hyperbolic knot complements without hidden symmetries. To appear in International Mathematics Research Notices. preprint via arXiv:

N. Hoffman, C. Millichap, and W. Worden, Symmetries and hidden symmetries of (ε,dL)-twisted knot complements. Algebraic & Geometric Topology 22-2 (2022), 601--656. DOI 10.2140/agt.2022.22.601. preprint via arXiv:

W. Worden, Small knots of large Heegaard genus. to appear in Communications in Analysis and Geometry. preprint via arXiv:

D. Futer, S.J. Taylor, and W. Worden, Random veering triangulations are not geometric. Group, Geometry, and Dynamics, Vol. 14 (2020) No. 3, 1077--1126. arXiv:

W. Worden, Experimental statistics of veering triangulations. Experimental Mathematics, Vol. 29 (2020) No. 1, 101--122. DOI:10.1080/10586458.2018.1437850.

C. Millichap and W. Worden, Hidden symmetries and commensurability of 2-bridge link complements. Pacific Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 285 (2016) No. 2, 453--484. arXiv:

W. Worden, Iterations of quadratic polynomials over finite fields. Involve, a Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 6 (2013) No. 1, 99--112. DOI:10.2140/involve.2013.6.99.